Monday, December 2, 2013

Jetting off to Jordan

This weekend was UAE National Day AND Dubai won the 2020 World Expo bid. So, all in all, it was a 5 day weekend. 3.5 of those days, I was in Jordan.

Is it too emotional to say that the trip to Jordan brought me extreme joy? I have only been back in Dubai for a few hours, but now that I can reflect, it was a wonderful trip. Post trip high??

Trip participants: myself, Heather (the champion off road driver), Rachel (I-Spy champ), Almo (hired photographer/Rachel's husband who speaks Arabic)

Day 1: Flew out of Dubai early in the morning.... as in waking up and being at the airport before 6 am!  Had a nice three hour flight to Amman, Jordan. Once we arrived in Amman, we were privileged enough to hang out at the air port for 3 hours. That was fun times. Once we got our visas we went on down to get some Starbuck's coffee (with a very opinionated barista), and went to get our rental car.

Look at me, look at me!..... in the Amman airport

Direct quote from the rental car guy: If you can drive a stick, I'll get you a very nice car." We're walking out FINALLY. The thoughts going through my head as we're walking by cars *wow this one looks pretty nice*..... *this one is basically brand new*.... *realllllllly hope it isn't that one*..... Continue walking towards that one *oh shit the trunk is open, it is probably that one, hopefully we walk past it to the next one* Rachel quote of the trip: "Oh dear" So basically we end up with a 5 year old Nissan "Sunny"/Altima stick shift. Luckily we had a GPS, who was quickly nicknamed "Bitch" for the trip, because this crazy GPS lady took us on the most treacherous roads. There was a little off-roading in Sunny, also a little rebar scratch thanks to the Bitch and a local farmer.

Anywho, we get on the road. Rachel and I are in the back seat, Heather is driving like a champ, and Almo has the job of reading signs. Rachel and I decide to play I-Spy. The countryside of Jordan does not offer a lot of I-Spy choices which we learned rather quickly. After only two turns, we figured that if you spy something "brown," the answer will always be "desert." If something of any other color was spotted, the answer will always be "trash bag." There are an incredible amount of plastic trash bags across Jordan, a really truly incredible amount. Rachel had the solution of getting the world's largest rake to solve this problem. Conclusion to the problem is still a work in progress. This was just the beginning of our road games.

As you can see, I-Spy choices were quite limited. This photo is a little deceiving as there is a tree and clouds.


*Hum in your head* Driving down the road, driving down the road, driving down the road *keep humming* Do this for 2 hours with no radio, a Bitch-y GPS, 60 degree inclines, and invisible speed bumps. Thankfully, there was a lot of immature banter going on in the car. Also, Heather rapping.... and dueting with Rachel on Jesus songs from childhood. Actually, quite a delightful time.


Me and the Dead Sea
It was B-E-A-You-tiful

We get changed into our suits, find some coveted Dead Sea mud, cover ourselves (Heather was lucky enough to get assistance with the mud coverage from a local), and walked in.

Very helpful sign

 I slowwwwwwwly leaned back because the ole' brain was telling me *you don't float in water without your duckie floaty and water wings.* Well, what do you know?

Me floating, Heather frolicking

The rumors are true, you DO float in the Dead Sea with absolutely no effort.
Dead Sea adventure complete.