Sunday, December 8, 2013

Jordan! Part II: Even more exciting than Part I.

A while later after some more off roading with Sunny, we make it to Madaba where we are staying the night. We had some yummy food at a local restaurant, went back to the hotel for some local wine, took showers, and went to bed. In the morning, we went to some REALLLLLLY old churches that are famous for their mosaics, and also the place where John the Baptist was beheaded. Then we did some local shopping, got some neat stuff, and went on our way to Petra.

Really old mosaic in the floor.... like....REALLY OLD

Shrine of John the Baptist

Opening doors that I shouldn't, and going places I shouldn't go

We climbed to the top of the bell tower. This is Madaba.

John is looking a little pale after all these years....

Some interesting/memorable things happened on the way to Petra, such as the following….

Me: Why is that 7 year old boy standing in the middle of a round-a-bout?

Rachel: What is he looking at?

Me: Maybe he has a Gameboy color

Rachel: I think he has a gun, oh it must be a toy gun.... it has to be!

Me: He has a clip in the other hand.

*Uncontrollable laughter*

....But really a 7 year old boy was standing in the middle of a round-a-bout with a gun.


Aaaaaaand moving on.... I feel like some other interesting things happened, but that was good. We also stopped at some really old castles. One we didn’t quite make it to. The treacherous, curvy, one-lane roads were a little too much for the driver. I also don’t know if Sunny would have made it. So we took some beautiful pictures from afar of the first one. The second castle was really old and I climbed up (in sandals) to this really old window. It was amazing, walking around through the underground tunnels where they probably kept servants, prostitutes, and robbers. Right?????????? Okay, but seriously, this castle was awesome.

The open road

Castle in the background

The castle we actually went to... HUGE!

Semi-underground tunnels

Servant/prostitute/robbers quarters underground


And we continue on our trek to Petra… oh wait, GPS would like to steer us in a wrong direction (SHOCKING), and then up and down some treacherous hills, back in a circle, to the castle we were just at, and finally towards Petra! Yippee.

We finally make it to Petra. Hooray. Luckily, Heather and I were able to share a horse.

Welcome to Petra
Special bonding time

We go through the entrance…

The Entrance

 Then to “The Treasury,” the place of Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade or something like this… Indiana Jones was also our theme song music, pretty much everywhere we went thanks to our trusty GPS.

The Treasury. Rachel's life is now complete.

 We saw some old caves carved into stone where people lived. I also walked into a tomb. Creepy. There were big homes for rich people, medium sized homes for middle class, and tiny ones for poor people. We also were able to see and climb about in the last free standing structure at Petra. Pretty cool

A total crap picture of tombs... but they are tombs!!

Tired camel. This is probably as cute as a camel could ever look.

Then we saw a Post Office/Waffle House……………that actually turned out to be where people put cremains of their loved ones. Most accurate tour guide ever;-)

Post Office/Waffle House/Crematory

Amphitheater... or something like that 





Cutest puppies ever! EVER.
We jump in the back of this fancy truck for a ride back to Sunny and then drive to find a Bedouin camp to stay at for the night. There were a few Rachel and Heather had looked up previously to stay at. Yay for Bedouin camp adventures!! So, the Indiana Jones theme song got played a lot (with our very own voices) for this part of the trip—it was a straight up adventure.

Riding in the back of the truck

We drive down some curvy roads, into the dark Jordan night where there are no street lamps and no cars. Sound like a horror story yet? Jeepers creepers? Yes, yes, then what you are thinking right now is COMPLETELY ACCURATE. So, we pull into the first Bedouin camp and make Almo sacrifice himself for the good of the group. He says it seems nice so the rest of us girls get out of the car and take a look around. It was really pretty with the lights throughout the surrounding stones, it had nice beds, and nice tents. However, there was absolutely NO ONE there. We were the only guests in the giant Bedouin camp. Also, Almo was talking down the price, they said we “missed” dinner, and would have to go into town to buy food to cook. Well, that just got sketchy. So, back into the car we hopped and down the road we went to the next Bedouin camp down the road. We turn to the 7 Wonders Bedouin Camp. There is a truck barely ahead of us and we follow it down a crazy gravel road. This is DAMN sketchy. We continue following the truck down this road and we begin to come upon the camp. Surrounding the camp is a chain link fence with barbed wire around the top and Rachel then yells “OH DEAR!! OH DEAR!!” The truck comes to a clearing and stops, a man gets out, and Heather turns/donuts Sunny around *insert Indiana Jones music here* and off we go back where we came from. S-K-E-T-C-H-Y.

So we drive back into the tiny town of Petra, find some downright fancy (haha just kidding) accommodations, and get some rooms. We go out to a place to have dinner which may or may not have doubled as someone’s apartment?? I mean, they were really trying to convince us to stay at this place… We were basically eating dinner in lazy boy chairs watching a big screen TV. We pay for a meal and walk down the road in search of a bar. We walk, walk, walk, walk, walk….. all the way back to the entrance of Petra where we find a cute little cave bar….. a cave bar that used to be a TOMB!! I drank in tomb. Kind of cool. We all snuggle in a cab together and go back to our accommodations.

 Next morning we get up, walk down the street for some breakfast. At this point in time Almo was offered 100 cows for me. This was a tough decision to make, but I was able to stay on the trip and not get sold into marriage to a Petra local. Whew! Crisis averted. Down the road we go on our way back to Amman. We had some more sweet road tripping adventures on our way back. We found our NICE hotel. Then we went out in search of some dinner.

This was not a good dinner establishment. We are thinking “Goodfellas Pizza.” It also looked like it had a bar in the top part, which was totally FALSE advertising. The bar was not even real. Yet, we did get to go upstairs in a tiny 2 person, very slow moving elevator that may or may not have been from a creepy old 18th century house. Anyway, moving on. We drank really gross hot chocolate, then ate really gross pizza, and then we left…. Left down the 2 person, very slow moving elevator.

We find this cute little pastry shop (where we also found out that we could have eaten dinner), and had cute yummy pastries and warm coffee drinks. Yum, yum, yum. It was also very atune to the holiday spirit so we took an adorable picture with the Christmas tree J Happy Holidays!!
Holiday pic:)


We then bought some spirits in a tiny shop, where we also had them open the wine bottles (we lacked a corkscrew), and carried them very carefully into our hotel. We then consumed the spirits, had a lovely evening in, and went to bed. We made it to our flight, despite the lack of anything/anyone being helpful in the Amman airport. Jetsetted back to Dubai where I arrived, happy to be home J


Jordan trip complete!!

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